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New Experiences or Old Habits: Which is Better For Improving Your Memory?
Have you heard that brushing your teeth with your opposite hand is good for your brain? Have you actually done it? And how did your brain feel? Did your memory improve? Forgetting things is frustrating and annoying. So, naturally, many of us will try all sorts of...
The Paradox of Preventing Dementia
First off, don’t you just love the way the word paradox sounds when you say it out loud? Paradox. Some words are just more fun. Here’s a paradox: A child with a slightly damp sponge pours a glass of water on it and watches as the water is absorbed. This leads the...
When Our Brain Meets Daylight Savings Time
About 70 countries world wide observe the annual, legislated ritual of daylight savings time (DST). There has been a great deal of controversy over its benefits and drawbacks. Many jurisdictions have opted in and out or modified the dates or their boundaries over the...
5 Unexpected Reasons that a Vacation is Good for Your Brain
Are you the sun and sand sort of vacation person, or are you more of an adventure seeker? Do you take a vacation for the arts and culture or the natural wonders? Does your ideal vacation include night life and fine dining or solitude and peaceful reflection? Are you...
Brain Self-assessment Quiz:
Find out if you have a fit brain in this special self-assessment! Click the picture below to start.
Mindful Quote:
“No matter how old you are, exercise increases your memory, your ability to think clearly, and your ability to plan.”
Daniel G. Amen, MD
Change Your Brain, Change Your Body
Mindful Tip:
Eat 2-3 walnuts a day to improve your brain power and memory, and slow down the aging of your brain.
Mindful Fact:
Your brain, more complex than any computer, operates on about the same amount of power that would light a 10-watt bulb.
Mindful Exercise:
Daily write a Ten-Thing List. It could be Ten Places you want to visit, Ten Names you could call your new puppy, Ten Things you would do in an hour of free time, or Ten Lists you could write for this exercise.